Think Gum® Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine

Think Gum® was just featured in the October 2010 issue of Entrepreneur magazine in the “Strokes of genius” column.  The piece by Jennifer Wang reads “When chronically tired University of California , Berkeley, biology major Matt Davidson read how Amazonian warriors chomped chomped on guarana berries as a natural source of caffeine, he knew he had to create the 21st century version.  So now there is Think Gum, which promises to keep you awake, and to make you smarter…”

Stokes of Genius Entrepereneur Magazine
Think Gum® Gum for Entrepreneurs

One thought on “Think Gum® Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine

  1. I read the story of how your ‘Think Gum’ enterprise started, and i was highly
    impressed. I must congratulate you for your patience, time, and energy you devoted for
    the success of the business.

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