Study Shows Rosemary Aroma Improves Memory

Rosemary scent Improves memory.  If only someone would make a rosemary-scented gum!
Rosemary scent Improves memory. If only someone would make a rosemary-scented gum!

A study presented at the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society in Harrogate suggests that rosemary aroma may be an effective memory aid.  The researchers led by Jemma McCready and Dr Mark Moss split a group of 66 participants into two groups.  One group was tested for perspective memory in a normal room and the other group was tested for perspective memory in a rosemary-scented room.  The results showed that participants in the rosemary-scented room performed better on the prospective memory tasks than the participants in the room with no scent. This was the case for remembering events and remembering to complete tasks at particular times.  This study has received TONS of media attention and more detail can be found at Science Daily, The Daily Telegraph, and The Independent.

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